I had to write a topic on this one because this one hits close to the home for me. My brother has Sickle Cell Anemia, this is the worst stage to have, this is the disease. You can either have the trait or the disease. Sickle cell is an illness that affects your blood, more specifically your blood cells. Most blood cells are like a perfect circle kinda like a Cheerios. Well sickle cells form a c almost like a crescent moon, and when they take that form they all build up stopping blood flow cause pain to the designated area. This is called a sickle cell crisis. If you have the trait it weaken your immune system, making you more likely to get sick. This goes for the disease as well too. This diease most common with the African American race. I remember being in hospital super young, watching my brother hooked up to machines and oxygen masks. I literally watched him die and come back to life this diease is no joke and we need to become aware.
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