Judge Take a second and count your fingers and your toes,then think about people you see that dont have all of their limbs or in a wheelchair. Think about all of the people you have lost in your life and how thru it all you are still able to be here. We have no idea about what battles people fight on a daily basis. You never knew that the kid in your class has knotty hair and smells like trash from last week. He didnt sleep well lastnight because his mother smokes crack and her house is a trap house. So when he is asleep in your class or always has an attitude you have to open your mind and not be so quick to judge a person. The kid you talk greasy about already has low self esteem and gets taken down (cracked on) around his way. Take a walk in his world for a minute and imagine the woman you love dearly is a lost soul and your the oldest with 4younger siblings,you would have to grow up fast. You see the older dudes that you looked up to selling drugs making money, then they start to...