Today marks the start of Shee3 fat2fatfit campaign for heathy living we start off with a 10 day green smoothie challenge but that's one of many were focusing on fashion,weight loss, hair,nails and skin for a overall healthy lifestyle change for the better tomorrow I will breakdown my weightloss journey and a background on why I wanted to make this change
This challenge is very easy and affordable the book itself only cost $10 and the ingredients for this smoothies are very affordable as well many can be purchased at your local grocery store or Dollar Tree like most of my ingredients were purchased!!
Here's what you will need....
1.10 day green smoothie by JJ Smith
2.before pic of your body and please time stamp the pics and Hastag #FAT2FATFIT FOR SUPPORT AND A LOG TRACKER OF YOUR DAILY SMOOTHIE LOG
3. Believe in yourself
Bust 57
Waist 53
Hips 56
Follow and join the journey!!
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