It's a special feeling when you know your mates body, what areas to touch, lick, nibble on and kiss. Foreplay is always a nice way to kick it off but what about the mental aspect, do you make it fun, or is it the same old combo? Do you give them something to think about? Anticipation is always good especially in the bedroom, you should look forward to having an intimate time with your mate. As relationships age, some people get comfortable with sex and are satisfied with rabbit humping and just making sure their partner cum. It's more to pleasing your mate than just licking and penetration, if anything you should be penetrating your mates mind with thoughts of doing things you've never done to their bodies, adding fruit, toys or even role playing can spice up your sex life. satisfying your mate or partner should be fun and it should be a turn on for you when you turn them on. Search for new body parts to caress softly and kiss. Massage oils, shower fun, the list g...